let l:bufnr = bufnr('%')
+ let l:cursor_line = line('.')
+ let l:cursor_header = 0
let l:fenced_block = 0
let l:front_matter = 0
let l:header_list = []
" append line to location list
let l:item = {'lnum': i, 'text': l:line, 'valid': 1, 'bufnr': l:bufnr, 'col': 1}
let l:header_list = l:header_list + [l:item]
+ " set header number of the cursor position
+ if l:cursor_header == 0
+ if i == l:cursor_line
+ let l:cursor_header = len(l:header_list)
+ elseif i > l:cursor_line
+ let l:cursor_header = len(l:header_list) - 1
+ endif
+ endif
" keep track of the longest header size (heading level + title)
let l:total_len = stridx(l:line, ' ') + len(l:line)
if l:total_len > l:header_max_len
setlocal nomodified
setlocal nomodifiable
- normal! gg
+ execute 'normal! ' . l:cursor_header . 'G'
" Convert Setex headers in range `line1 .. line2` to Atx.
" Heavily based on vim-notes - http://peterodding.com/code/vim/notes/
let s:filetype_dict = {
\ 'c++': 'cpp',
- \ 'viml': 'vim'
+ \ 'viml': 'vim',
+ \ 'bash': 'sh'
\ }
function! s:MarkdownHighlightSources(force)
if !exists('b:mkd_known_filetypes')
let b:mkd_known_filetypes = {}
+ if !exists('b:mkd_included_filetypes')
+ " set syntax file name included
+ let b:mkd_included_filetypes = {}
+ endif
if !a:force && (b:mkd_known_filetypes == filetypes || empty(filetypes))
let filetype = ft
let group = 'mkdSnippet' . toupper(substitute(filetype, "[+-]", "_", "g"))
- let include = s:SyntaxInclude(filetype)
+ if !has_key(b:mkd_included_filetypes, filetype)
+ let include = s:SyntaxInclude(filetype)
+ let b:mkd_included_filetypes[filetype] = 1
+ else
+ let include = '@' . toupper(filetype)
+ endif
let command = 'syntax region %s matchgroup=%s start="^\s*```%s$" matchgroup=%s end="\s*```$" keepend contains=%s%s'
execute printf(command, group, startgroup, ft, endgroup, include, has('conceal') ? ' concealends' : '')
execute printf('syntax cluster mkdNonListItem add=%s', group)