bind index,pager | pipe-message
bind index,pager ! flag-message
-#macro index,pager \ep "<pipe-message>muttprint -p TO_FILE:$tmpdir/ -D && gv $tmpdir/ && rm $tmpdir/<enter>"
bind index,pager \eP print-message
bind index,pager <up> previous-entry
bind index,pager <down> next-entry
-bind index,pager p previous-undeleted
-bind index,pager n next-undeleted
-bind index,pager \eS decode-save
bind index,pager \eU undelete-subthread
bind index,pager \eD delete-subthread
-#bind pager <up> previous-line
-#bind pager <down> next-line
-#bind index,pager <left> previous-undeleted
-#bind index,pager <right> next-undeleted
bind pager,index <backtab> previous-unread
-#macro pager,index p "<enter-command><enter>" "do nothing"
-##bind index p previous-undeleted
-##bind index n next-undeleted
+macro pager,index p "<enter-command><enter>" "do nothing"
##macro index L "<list-reply><save-message>=store<enter>"
macro index S "<tag-prefix><save-message>=store<enter><sync-mailbox>" "save messages to store"
macro compose Y '<edit-fcc><kill-line><enter><send-message>' "send message without storing"
macro compose \Cy '<pgp-menu>cY' "send message without storing or signing"
-macro index F '<limit>~L ' "search for correspondents"
+macro index,pager F '<limit>~L ' "search for correspondents"
+macro index ~ '<exit><search>~' "shortcut to pattern search"
+macro pager ~ '<search>~' "shortcut to pattern search"
+bind index,pager \en search-opposite
bind pager [ half-up
bind pager ] half-down
+macro index,pager \eS '<enter-command>set noweed<enter><decode-save>'
+macro index,pager \eC '<enter-command>set noweed<enter><decode-copy>'
macro index \Co '<tag-prefix><save-message>imaps://<enter>' 'save message to logcheck-todo'
macro pager \Co '<save-message>imaps://<enter>' 'save message to logcheck-todo'
macro index,pager \eo '<change-folder>imaps://<enter>' 'go to logcheck todo folder'