save-hook . =store
-send-hook '~C @bugs\.debian\.org' 'my_hdr X-Debbugs-No-Ack: please spare me'
-send-hook '~C @packages\.qa\.debian\.org' 'my_hdr X-PTS-Approved: please'
-#send-hook '~C -request@' 'my_hdr X-Record: discard'
+send2-hook . 'reset sendmail'
+send2-hook '~L notyet' "set sendmail='~/.mutt/error 1 I will not send this draft yet!'"
-send-hook '~C @staffmail\.ul\.ie' 'unset crypt_autosign'
-send-hook '~L @sudetia\.ie' 'unset crypt_autosign'
+#send-hook '~C @bugs\.debian\.org' 'my_hdr X-Debbugs-No-Ack: please spare me'
+send2-hook '~C @packages\.qa\.debian\.org' 'my_hdr X-PTS-Approved: please'
+#send-hook '~C -request@' 'my_hdr X-Record: discard'
fcc-hook -request@ '=discard'
send-hook '~s "Re: confirm" ~t -request@' 'unset crypt_autosign'
# do not set M-F-T on mails to the git mailing list
-send-hook . 'set followup_to'
-send-hook '~C git@vger\.kernel\.org' 'unset followup_to'
+send2-hook . 'set followup_to'
+send2-hook '~C git@vger\.kernel\.org' 'unset followup_to'
+send2-hook '~C @members\.ebay\.com' 'set envelope_from'
# do a <group-reply> for L when sending to the git mailing list
#macro index L '<enter>L'
# NOTE: using M-F-T from procmail for now
-folder-hook spam push '<limit>~N|~O<enter><sort-mailbox>p<first-entry>'
+# do not get spam status via imap, as it would download the entire message
+folder-hook . 'set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15F %4c %?H?[%H] ?%s"'
+folder-hook imaps?:// 'set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15F %4c %s"'
+folder-hook spam push '<tag-pattern>~O<enter><tag-prefix><set-flag>n<tag-prefix><clear-flag>*<limit>~N<enter><sort-mailbox>p<first-entry>'
folder-hook . 'set pager_index_lines=5'
folder-hook feeds|mass 'set pager_index_lines=10'
+folder-hook store push '<tag-pattern>~O|~N<enter><tag-prefix><clear-flag>n<tag-prefix><clear-flag>*<last-entry>'
+# since I have delete=yes, messages marked for trashing on mailbox entry must
+# be due to IMAP clients or the like not purging them. I found that some
+# clients automatically trash read mail from the INBOX, for *whatever* reason.
+# I have not found the authors of those clients yet. In the mean time, since
+# messages are not expected to be marked for deletion on mailbox entry, the
+# following ensures that I lose no more mail.
+folder-hook . push '<undelete-pattern>~D<enter>'
# vim:ft=muttrc