# Type: path
# Default: "~/.muttrc"
-set alias_file="$my_confdir/aliases"
-source $my_confdir/aliases
# The default file in which to save aliases created by the
# ``create-alias'' function.
# It defaults to the value of the VISUAL, or EDITOR, environment
# variable, or to the string "/usr/bin/editor" if neither of those are set.
-set editor="~/.bin/mail/mailplate --edit --auto --keep-unknown"
+set editor="mailplate --edit --auto --keep-unknown"
# set encode_from=no
# This variable controls whether or not attachments on outgoing messages
# are saved along with the main body of your message.
+set fcc_attach=no
# set fcc_clear=no
# will show up with an "O" next to them in the index menu,
# indicating that they are old.
-set mark_old=no
+set mark_old=yes
# set markers=yes
# For the default value it would be:
# ~f joe | ~s joe
+set simple_search="~L %s | ~s %s"
# set smart_wrap=yes
# automatically set this variable to the value of the environment
# variable $MAIL if it is not set.
+set spoolfile="=inbox"
# set status_chars="-*%A"
# this variable is not set, the environment variable TMPDIR is
# used. If TMPDIR is not set then "/tmp" is used.
-set tmpdir="~/.tmp"
# set to_chars=" +TCFL"
set my_mailboxes = `ls ~/.var/offlineimap/mailboxes 2>/dev/null || echo /dev/null`
source $my_mailboxes
+set alias_file="$my_confdir/aliases"
+source "test -f $alias_file && cat $alias_file 2>/dev/null || echo unset alias_file|"