# This variable specifies which files to consult when attempting to
# display MIME bodies not directly supported by Mutt.
+set mailcap_path="$my_confdir/mailcap.backgrounding:$my_confdir/mailcap.htmldump"
# set mailcap_sanitize=yes
# arguments as recipient addresses.
#set sendmail="/bin/true"
-set sendmail="~/.mutt/sendmail"
+set sendmail="$my_confdir/sendmail"
#set sendmail="/usr/sbin/sendmail -oem -oi"
# set sendmail_wait=0
# Controls the format of the title bar of the xterm provided that
# xterm_set_titles has been set. This string is identical in formatting
# to the one used by ``$status_format''.
set xterm_title="mutt@%h [%?M?%M/?%m, n:%n]%?V? [%V]?"
auto_view text/html
#auto_view application/x-gunzip application/x-tar-gz application/x-tar application/x-gtar
#auto_view application/postscript
-alternative_order text/enriched text/plain text application/postscript image/*
+alternative_order multipart/mixed multipart/related text/html text/enriched text/*
+#alternative_order text/plain text/enriched text/html
+#alternative_order text/enriched text/plain text application/postscript image/*
mime_lookup application/octet-stream
source $my_confdir/colours
source $my_confdir/spam
source $my_confdir/hooks
-set my_offlineimap_mailboxes = "$VARDIR/offlineimap/mailboxes"
set my_mutt_mailboxes = "$VARDIR/mutt/mailboxes"
-source "cat $my_offlineimap_mailboxes $my_mutt_mailboxes 2>/dev/null|"
+source "test -f $my_mutt_mailboxes && cat $my_mutt_mailboxes|
+#source "$my_confdir/list-mailboxes $folder $spoolfile|"
set alias_file="$my_confdir/aliases"
source "test -f $alias_file && cat $alias_file 2>/dev/null || echo unset alias_file|"