]> git.madduck.net Git - etc/vim.git/blob - templates/_common.colortemplate

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Initial import.
[etc/vim.git] / templates / _common.colortemplate
1 # vim: ft=colortemplate fdm=marker
3 # Default highlight groups {{{
4 verbatim
5 if !has('gui_running') && get(g:, '@optionprefix_transp_bg', 0)
6 endverbatim
7     # Transparent background
8     Normal       fg1           none
9     CursorLineNr yellow        none
10     FoldColumn   brightblack   none
11     SignColumn   fg2           none
12     VertSplit    bg3           none
13 verbatim
14 else
15 endverbatim
16     # Opaque background
17     Normal       fg1           bg0
18     CursorLineNr yellow        bg1
19     FoldColumn   brightblack   bg1
20     SignColumn   fg2           bg1
21     VertSplit    bg3           bg0
22 verbatim
23 endif
24 endverbatim
26 # Group                          Fg           Bg      Attributes
27 ColorColumn                      none         bg1
28 Conceal                          blue         none
29 Cursor                           none         none    reverse
30 CursorColumn                  -> CursorLine
31 CursorLine                       none         bg1     bold,italic
32 DiffAdd                          fg4          brightgreen
33 DiffChange                       fg4          brightblue
34 DiffDelete                       fg4          brightred
35 DiffText                         fg4          brightyellow
36 Directory                        blue         none    bold
37 EndOfBuffer                      bg0          none
38 Error                            red          bg0     bold,reverse
39 ErrorMsg                         bg0          red     bold
40 Folded                           brightblack  bg1     g=italic
41 IncSearch                        brightyellow black   reverse
42 LineNr                           bg2          bg1
43 MatchParen                       none         bg3     bold
44 ModeMsg                          yellow       none    bold
45 MoreMsg                          yellow       none    bold
46 NonText                          bg4          none
47 Pmenu                            fg1          bg2
48 PmenuSbar                        none         bg2
49 PmenuSel                         bg1          blue    bold
50 PmenuThumb                       none         bg4
51 Question                         yellow       none    bold
52 QuickFixLine                  -> Search
53 Search                           brightyellow black   reverse
54 SpecialKey                       bg4          none
55 SpellBad                         red          none    t=underline g=italic,undercurl s=red
56 SpellCap                         blue         none    t=underline g=italic,undercurl s=blue
57 SpellLocal                       cyan         none    t=underline g=italic,undercurl s=cyan
58 SpellRare                        magenta      none    t=underline g=italic,undercurl s=magenta
59 StatusLine                       bg2          fg1     reverse
60 StatusLineNC                     bg1          fg2     reverse
61 StatusLineTerm                -> StatusLine
62 StatusLineTermNC              -> StatusLineNC
63 TabLine                       -> TabLineFill
64 TabLineFill                      fg2          bg3
65 TabLineSel                       fg1          bg1
66 Title                            fg0          none    bold
67 Visual                           none         bg1
68 VisualNOS                     -> Visual
69 WarningMsg                       red          none    bold
70 WildMenu                         blue         bg2     bold
71 # Other conventional group names (see `:help group-name`)
72 Boolean                          magenta      none
73 Character                        magenta      none
74 Comment                          brightblack  none    g=italic
75 Conditional                      red          none
76 Constant                         magenta      none
77 Define                           cyan         none
78 Debug                            red          none
79 Delimiter                     -> Statement
80 Error                            red          bg0     bold,reverse
81 Exception                        red          none
82 Float                            magenta      none
83 Function                         blue         none    bold
84 Identifier                       cyan         none
85 Ignore                           fg           none
86 Include                          cyan         none
87 Keyword                          red          none
88 Label                         -> Statement
89 Macro                            cyan         none
90 Number                           magenta      none
91 Operator                      -> Normal
92 PreCondit                        cyan         none
93 PreProc                          cyan         none
94 Repeat                           red          none
95 SpecialChar                      red          none
96 SpecialComment                   red          none
97 Statement                        red          none
98 StorageClass                     green        none
99 Special                          yellow       none
100 String                           green        none
101 Structure                        cyan         none
102 Tag                           -> Special
103 Todo                             fg           bg0     t=bold g=bold,italic
104 Type                             cyan         none
105 Typedef                          cyan         none
106 Underlined                       blue         none    underline
107 # Language mapping cursor
108 lCursor                       -> Cursor
109 # See `:help CursorIM`
110 CursorIM                         none         none    reverse
111 # See `:help window-toolbar`
112 ToolbarLine                      none         bg3
113 ToolbarButton                    fg0          bg3     bold
114 # }}}
116 # Italics {{{
117 verbatim
118 if get(g:, "@optionprefix_italic", 0)
119   hi Comment cterm=italic
120   hi Folded cterm=italic
121   hi SpellBad cterm=italic,underline
122   hi SpellCap cterm=italic,underline
123   hi SpellLocal cterm=italic,underline
124   hi SpellRare cterm=italic,underline
125   hi Todo cterm=italic
126 endif
127 endverbatim
128 # }}}
130 # Additional highlight groups {{{
131 # Input mode cursor
132 iCursor                       -> Cursor
133 # Visual mode cursor, selection
134 vCursor                       -> Cursor
136 # Useful for custom status lines
137 NormalMode                       fg2          bg0     reverse
138 InsertMode                       blue         bg0     reverse
139 ReplaceMode                      cyan         bg0     reverse
140 VisualMode                       yellow       bg0     reverse
141 CommandMode                      magenta      bg0     reverse
142 Warnings                         yellow       bg0     reverse
143 # }}}
145 # Terminal colors {{{
146 Include: _terminal.colortemplate
147 # }}}