-nmap <buffer> <C-P><F1> :w<CR>:%!~/.bin/mail/mailplate --keep-unknown official<CR>
-nmap <buffer> <C-P><F2> :w<CR>:%!~/.bin/mail/mailplate --keep-unknown private<CR>
-nmap <buffer> <C-P><F3> :w<CR>:%!~/.bin/mail/mailplate --keep-unknown debian<CR>
-nmap <buffer> <C-P><F5> :w<CR>:%!~/.bin/mail/mailplate --keep-unknown ul<CR>
-nmap <buffer> <C-P><F6> :w<CR>:%!~/.bin/mail/mailplate --keep-unknown uzh<CR>
-nmap <buffer> <C-P><F9> :w<CR>:%!~/.bin/mail/mailplate --keep-unknown sudetia<CR>
-nmap <buffer> <F1> :w<CR>:%!~/.bin/mail/mailplate --auto --keep-unknown 2>/dev/null<CR>
+nmap <buffer> <C-P><F1> :w<CR>:%!mailplate --keep-unknown official<CR>
+nmap <buffer> <C-P><F2> :w<CR>:%!mailplate --keep-unknown private<CR>
+nmap <buffer> <C-P><F3> :w<CR>:%!mailplate --keep-unknown debian<CR>
+nmap <buffer> <C-P><F4> :w<CR>:%!mailplate --keep-unknown phd<CR>
+nmap <buffer> <C-P><F5> :w<CR>:%!mailplate --keep-unknown ul<CR>
+nmap <buffer> <C-P><F6> :w<CR>:%!mailplate --keep-unknown uzh<CR>
+nmap <buffer> <C-P><F9> :w<CR>:%!mailplate --keep-unknown sudetia<CR>
+nmap <buffer> <F1> :w<CR>:%!mailplate --auto --keep-unknown 2>/dev/null<CR>
" Checking attachments in edited emails for use in Mutt: warns user when
" exiting
" based on an idea by The Doctor What explained at
" <mid:caq406$rq4$1@FreeBSD.csie.NCTU.edu.tw>
" http://www.vim.org/scripts/download_script.php?src_id=3165
-autocmd BufUnload mutt-* call CheckAttachments()
+"autocmd BufUnload mutt-* call CheckAttachments()
+" DISABLED 2011.02.14 in favour of mutt's sendmail-checks
function! CheckAttachments()
- let l:english = 'attach\(ing\|ed\|ment\)\?\|included with this mail'
+ let l:english = 'attach\(ing\|ed\|ment\)\?\|included\_swith\_sthis\_smail'
let l:french = 'attach\(e\|er\|ée\?s\?\|ement\|ant\)'
- let l:german = 'an\(gehängt\|hängsel\|bei\)\|bei\(gefügt|lage\)\|\(im\|siehe\)\_sanhang'
+ let l:german = 'an\(gehängt\|hängsel\|bei\)\|bei\(gefügt\|lage\)\|\(im\|siehe\)\_s\(anhang\|beilage\)'
let l:ic = &ignorecase
if (l:ic == 0)
set ignorecase
" And this magic by James Vega, which ensures that we only complete with lbdb
" on the recipient lines of the mail header.
-ino <expr> <C-n> DelegateCompletion(1)
-ino <expr> <C-p> DelegateCompletion(0)
+inoremap <expr> <C-n> DelegateCompletion(1)
+inoremap <expr> <C-p> DelegateCompletion(0)
fun! DelegateCompletion(next)
if getline('.') =~? '^\%(To\|B\=Cc\):'